

Using Nature's

(NaturalNews) "Everything in the universe is medicinal - it just depends on how it's used." This quote sounds like something out of a modern, scientific research journal, but it's not. 5,000 years ago, an Ayurvedic doctor named Charaka already understood this, and documented it in his medical text, the Charaka Samhita.

Current research shows that plants have effective medicinal properties covering a variety of diseases and conditions. Thousands of years ago, this knowledge flourished and was widely applied to handle all varieties of ailments, from acute to chronic and emergency conditions. The difference between then and now is the approach to understanding how it works.

With the reductionist methodology of modern science, attempts are made to break down each component into individual pieces for study. In extremely simple cases this may work, but understanding the complexity of life may not be feasible this way. The myriad of combinations and permutations of individual chemicals, their proportions and interactions, results in something other than just the simple sum of their parts.

Ayurveda takes a radically different approach. Instead of breaking things down, it focuses on the final effect, using a specific set of 12 variables to predict the outcome. These include the person's imbalance (Dosha), medicine/herb to use (Bheshaja), geographical region (Desha), season (Kala), strength (Bala), physical structure (Sharira), condition of bodily tissues (Sara), diet (Ahara), general habits (Satmya), mental temperament (Sattva), natural constitution (Prakriti) and age (Vayas). The interactions between these 12 factors depend on the proportions of their common underlying components, The Five Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether).

Understanding the medicinal effects of herbs is based on how they influence one or more of the Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), which are present in each person. When one of the Doshas goes out of its normal range, an herb can be used to reduce or increase it, by affecting its 20 specific qualities (hot, cold, heavy, light, etc.) This approach helps us fine tune our usage of herbs to maximize the beneficial effects and more importantly, avoid any unwanted side effects.

All herbs are NOT for everyone
If you've ever tried a supplement for weight loss, headaches, or any other common ailment, you've probably come across one or two that didn't work for you but worked for someone you know, or vice versa. Why?

Now think about how many herbs are listed as natural antibiotics - Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, Echinacea, Colloidal Silver, Honey, Citrus fruits, Tea Tree Oil, Mustard, Coriander - the list goes on. At this rate, in a few years we'll be told that almost every natural substance has antibiotic properties.

Choosing the best natural medicine for YOU
The most important factors in selecting natural medicines are your constitution (Prakriti), your imbalance (Vikriti) and the effect of the herb (Bheshaja). Here are some examples:

Honey - A Vata person with a dry cough (Vata symptoms) will get worse by using honey. However, the same Vata person with a productive cough (Kapha symptoms) will get relief.

Ginger - A Kapha person with a cold would be greatly relieved by hot ginger tea. However, a Vata person might not do so well, and instead end up with constipation, especially after drinking large amounts.

Different forms have different effects
Does a dried herb have the same effect as a fresh one? No. Fresh herbs, dry powders, decoctions, and oil/ghee-based preparations all vary and are more effective in certain situations. For each Dosha, certain forms generally work better than others:

(NaturalNews) Documents and testimony obtained by NaturalNews allege the following: The Rawesome Foods armed "raw milk raids" and prosecution of James Stewart and Sharon Palmer were carried out in part by law-breaking private citizens pretending to be lawful government authorities. Those individuals -- who have been operating under false labels such as "district attorney" or "LAPD officer" -- may conceivably be liable for millions of dollars in civil and criminal damages for their actions which technically may be described as:

• The armed robbery of Rawesome Foods, including theft of cash
• Willful destruction of private property
• Criminal kidnapping of James Stewart
• Violation of the civil rights of James Stewart
... and other crimes to be described later.

This all stems from the fact that in California, all state "officials" must have sworn and signed oaths of office on file in order to qualify as duly empowered state officials. This is written right into the California Constitution, Article 20, Sec. 3, which states: (

SEC. 3. Members of the Legislature, and all public officers and employees, executive, legislative, and judicial, except such inferior officers and employees as may be by law exempted, shall, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:

"I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter."

To whom does this oath apply? According to the California Constitution, this oath applies to:

...every officer and employee of the State, including the University of California, every county, city, city and county, district, and authority, including any department, division, bureau, board, commission, agency, or instrumentality of any of the foregoing.

Why is this important? Because in the case of Rawesome Foods, key figures who signed search warrants, conducted the armed raw milk raids, and prosecuted James Stewart did not have oaths of office on file. Thus, they acted outside any official capacity and engaged in their actions against James Stewart with only the standing of private citizens, not public servants / officials.

Michelle LeCavalier deemed an "impersonator"
Michelle LeCavalier, for example, is the Health Department "official" who signed the original raid warrant for Rawesome Foods. You can see her signature on the warrant document here:

That document, which was cited to justify the use of armed force against a man distributing raw milk to happy customers, stated that Michelle LeCavalier believed "a felony has been committed or that a particular person has committed a felony."


Critically, at the time Michelle LeCavalier signed this search warrant -- August 1st, 2011 -- she had no signed Oath of Office on file for her position as required under the California Constitution as well as health department procedures.

This is admitted in an April 26, 2012 letter from the County of Los Angeles Public Health, which openly admits no Oath of Office exists for Michelle LeCavalier and that the department's internal processes have been changed because of this question being raised:

In your letter you expressed concern over the absence of a public record regarding the Oath of Office for Environmental Health Specialist Michelle LeCavalier. Your letter also suggests Ms. LeCavalier should not have received compensation unless an oath is taken per the California Government Code section 1367.

Department of Public Health procedures require the appointment of Deputy Health Officer and oath of office to be given at the time of badge issuance. However, a review of Department policies and practices indicate a need for improvement in the recording process and corrective measures have been initiated.

Nature's Mind: the Quantum Hologram
Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D.

Institute of Noetic Sciences, PO Box 540037, Lake Worth, FL, 33454
Fax: 1-561-641-5242, e-mail


This paper presents a hypothesis for integrating into the scientific framework phenomena of consciousness which frequently have been considered beyond scientific description. Intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance and many similar information phenomena seem to be easily explained by means of the nonlocal quantum hologram. It is further postulated that from the point of view of evolution, quantum nonlocality is the basis from which self-organizing cosmological processes have produced the common phenomenon of perception in living organisms.

Keywords: quantum hologram, perception, telepathy, nonlocal, intuition

1 Introduction

A host of observed, but very basic human phenomena, including consciousness itself, have eluded rigorous scientific description by all disciplines of science. This is true, not because of insufficient evidence for a particular phenomenon's existence, but rather for lack of a theoretical construct which could fit within the prevailing paradigms of science. For millennia philosophers have pondered the nature of mind, consciousness and mind/matter interactions but without sufficient knowledge and technical capability to propose properly testable theories. For the past century eminent men and women of science have accumulated thousands of pages of data on mind/mind and mind/matter interactions. Many of the most telling experiments have been criticized, perfected and repeated numerous times during the past five decades, using increasingly sophisticated technologies. Meta analysis of these experiments produce accumulated probabilities against chance occurrences exceeding trillions to one (Radin, 1997). It has required, however, that quantum science mature for seventy-five years and during that period, test, validate and synthesize a number of seemingly outrageous physical concepts arising from quantum theory, before testable theories could arise which offer hope that anomalous mind and consciousness data can be explained (Mitchell and Williams,1996).

The missing concepts that prevented the earliest investigators of consciousness from succeeding in their quest were 1) a generalized theory of information, and 2) quantum science itself, with the associated phenomena of nonlocality, the zero point energy field and the quantum hologram. These associated phenomena are still not well understood but are sufficiently validated today by both theory and experiment to provide a basis for postulating a necessary condition for the existence of consciousness phenomena, as experienced in the observable four dimensional space/time universe. A third concept, chaos theory, is also necessary to understand the nonlinear evolutionary processes that caused consciousness to evolve toward the anthropic consciousness experienced by humans. In particular, chaos theory maps far from equilibrium systems and demonstrates the irreversibility of nonlinear processes and thus the irreversibility of time in the macro-scale universe.

Another class of phenomena, including normal sensory perception and evolution, to cite but two, have explanatory theories in classical science, but which in view of current developments in late quantum physics and in chaos theory may be incomplete approximations to the correct theory.

Information concepts have been examined by Wiener, von Neuman and Shannon in well known seminal works and by Frieden more recently (1998) to produce theories useful to physics, to computation and to communications technologies. These theories, although accurate and mathematically useful in their domains, fall short of being sufficiently encompassing when considering the problem of consciousness, its evolution and its associated phenomena. Even relatively simple perceptual organisms utilize patterns of energy, that is, information, not completely described by existing mathematical theories.

Theory and experimental evidence for the zero point energy field has been published by many authors, but I shall cite Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff, (1997, 1998), as the most contemporary and relevant work for this paper. Theory and experimental evidence concerning the quantum hologram has been developed by Schempp (1992, 1993) and Marcer (1996, 1997, 1998), separately and jointly, based upon a new understanding of quantum mechanics. (See previous work by Cramer (1986), Berry (1988), Anandan (1992) and Resta (1997)) .

Non-locality, although predicted by the earliest work in quantum theory and decisively demonstrated by Aspect in 1982, has been thought to be a curious property of particle physics but of little relevance to macro-scale reality until discovery of the quantum hologram. Further, it is widely believed that non-local quantum information represented by entanglement of particles could not be recovered locally as useable information (Eberhard, (1977). However recent work both in theory and experiment reported in Nature by Sudbury (1997 and Bouwmeester et al (1997) is in line with the work by Berry, Resta, Schempp and Marcer and makes it clear that this is not the general case for quantum information processing and communication. .

It has been widely accepted in science, until recently, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, that the brain was likely a Turing Machine, incapable of supporting quantum processes. The work by Hammeroff (1994) and Penrose (1999) in isolating and describing microtubules in brain tissue have caused a re-examination of this dogma, and renewed interest in uncovering the quantum processes involved.

Based upon this earlier work I postulate and examine the evidence in this paper for the following theories:

1) The basis of subjective experience is rooted in the quantum attribute of nature called non-locality. I will use the word "perception" in its most generic sense to denote a basic subjective experience at all levels of complex matter. Thus the non-local quantum correlation between entangled quantum particles is considered the root cause of the phenomenon experienced as perception in more complex matter, but the non-local quantum hologram is the non-local carrier of information for molecular and larger scale matter. Thus, perception is not an object but rather the label for a nonlinear process involving an object, a percipient and information.

2) The experience of humans is that they sometimes, perhaps often, perceive information from or about physical objects that is not available through normal, local, sensory mechanisms, nor classical space/time information. Objective testing data in overwhelming abundance provides evidence that this is true, though an explanatory mechanism has until contemporary times remained elusive. I shall call this intuitive information or intuitive perception. I postulate that a quantum hologram is the source of this intuitive perception and that the percipient is at that time in phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance (pcar) with the entity or object associated with the quantum hologram.

3) The phenomenon of "learning" in humans is a subjective process that involves perception, memory, intentionality, evaluation of outcome and behavior change. This may be viewed as a classical nonlinear feedback loop. Although we cannot know precisely the subjective experience of another entity, presumably in the successful training of animals, an analogous subjective process is in effect. Sheldrake (1981) has published a successful theory of morphic resonance related to animal learning based upon non-local information. Marcer has published papers (1996, 1997) theorizing a mechanism by which the quantum hologram causes learning to take place in both DNA molecules and prokaryote cells as an adaptation process of environmental resonance, rather than mutation and adaptation solely by random processes. I postulate that Marcer's concept can be generalized to nature at large and that the quantum hologram is the information structure suitable to explain Sheldrake's morphic resonance. The non-local quantum correlations observed in particles, and the non-local quantum hologram associated with molecular and larger scale objects, serve the purpose of providing information at all scale sizes to guide evolutionary processes. That is to say, that quantum non-locality is the basis of perception, and thus fundamental and necessary to the complex organizations of matter and information in the universe. Further, since learning is an observed property of complex systems such as animals and, via the quantum hologram, is theorized to be a property of simple cells and molecules, one can also postulate the generalization that nature evolves through a learning process rather then because of random mutations.

4) Marcer (1997) has proposed that the condition of phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance (pcar) is a necessary condition for an object in three dimensional reality to be perceived as it really is. That is, resonance requires a virtual path mathematically equal but opposite to the incoming sensory information about the object. Further, that it is the incoming space/time information (visual, acoustic, etc), which decodes the information of the quantum hologram and establishes the condition of pcar so that accurate three dimensional perception is possible. That is to say, both quantum information and space/time information are used in the act of perception by organisms. I propose that the two equal but opposite paths required by the pcar condition are the mathematical equivalent of perception and attention or intention. I shall distinguish between attention and intention in following pages.

2 Discussion

The anecdotal evidence for humans perceiving non-local information dates to prehistory. The data were sufficiently robust that both experiencers and philosophers, from Plato and Aristotle forward, accepted that both physical and non-physical realms of reality must exist. Non-physical was thought to explain the subtle, ephemeral and mystical subjective experiences ubiquitously reported in human culture. After Descartes and Newton, however, classical western science rapidly discarded the non-physical hypothesis and systematically began to ignore all evidence for perception of non-local information. Field theories and point particles were created to preserve the concept of physical contact between particles and to explain obvious examples of "spooky action at a distance" such as gravitation and electromagnetic interactions. Information, broadly defined as patterns of energy, reemerges however, in non-local form in the mysterious quantum spin correlations of double slit experiments, although it has been widely believed that such non-local information could not be recovered and utilized by sensory systems. With validation of theory and experiments concerned with the non-local quantum hologram, information, including non-local information, suddenly acquires a more important status in physical theory, a status as important as energy itself. This is true because information is the basis of the cognition and knowing by which creatures perceive reality, and non-local information can now be seen as a ubiquitous and useful property of the cosmos, rather than a unique attribute of particles (and human animals). It is likely that most, if not all, subtle, ephemeral and unexplained phenomena associated with subjective experience are connected, directly or indirectly, with the phenomenon of non-locality. The brain is clearly a quantum computer (Schempp & Marcer,1996) which utilizes both quantum and space/time information. This discovery alone almost certainly sets a necessary, but not sufficient condition, for intelligent life to have arisen in the cosmos, wherever environmental conditions permit.

Many volumes have been written in this century by scientists experimenting with remote viewing, ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, etc. Police agencies routinely use "psychics" to assist in criminal cases often with success. Intelligence agencies of governments have clandestinely utilized the findings to successfully gain information about an adversary. Many reports of these activities have been recently declassified and printed in open professional journals, even though no explanatory physical mechanism has yet been reported which is acceptable to mainstream science. The most succinct modern summary of this activity and analysis of results have been published by Radin (1997).

2.1 Quantum Holography

Non-locality and the non-local quantum hologram provide the only testable mechanism discovered to date which offer a possible solution to the host of enigmatic observations and data associated with consciousness and such consciousness phenomena. Schempp (1992) has successfully validated the concept of recovery and utilization of non-local quantum information in the case of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) using quantum holography. Marcer (1995) has made compelling arguments that a number of other chemical and electromagnetic processes in common use have a deeper quantum explanation that is not revealed by the classical interpretation of these processes. Hammeroff (1994) and Penrose (1991) have presented experimental data on microtubules in the brain supporting quantum processes.

The absorption/re-emission phenomena associated with all matter is well recognized. That such re-emissions are sufficiently coherent to be considered a source of information about the object is due to the theoretical and experimental work of Schempp and Marcer, based upon the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics of Cramer (1986), the Berry geometric phase analysis of information (Berry, 1988; Anandan, 1992) and the ability of quantum phase information to be recovered and utilized (Resta, 1997). The mathematical formalism appropriate to these analyses is consistent with standard quantum mechanical formalism, and is defined by means of the harmonic analysis on the Heisenberg nilpotent Lie group G, algebra g and nilmanifold (see Schempp (1986) for a full mathematical treatment). The information carried by a quantum hologram encodes the complete event history of the object with respect to its three dimensional environment. It evolves over time to provide an encoded non-local record of the "experience" of the object in the four dimensional space/time of the object as to its journey in space/time and the quantum states visited. The question of the brain's ability, as a massively parallel quantum processor, to decode this information is addressed by Marcer and Schempp in "Model of the Neuron Working by Quantum Holography" (1997) and "The Brain as a Conscious System" (1998). They argue that an organism's ability to perceive objects as they are and where they actually are in three dimensional reality requires the phase conjugate relationship provided by quantum holography. It is not sufficient for the incoming electromagnetic illumination (or acoustic signal) carrying object information to present to the brain a wave front in the manner presented to a flat photographic plate. Rather, a virtual signal as mapped by the phase conjugation of quantum holographic formalism is required to decode the information in order for perception and cognition to exist as we experience it in three dimensional reality. The percipient and the source of information are in a resonant relationship for the information to be accurately perceived. Many investigators have proposed a holography mechanism as a basis for brain functioning, beginning with Pribram, and indeed, others have proposed holography as a construct for the universe itself, but discovery of the non-local quantum hologram created by the absorption/ remission phenomenon and characteristic of all physical objects provides the first quantum physical mechanism compatible with macro-scale three dimensional world as we experience it.

The existence of a quantum hologram associated with each physical object provides each physical object with the non-local wave form predicted by quantum theory's wave/particle duality and extends quantum theory to all physical matter. It allows, for the first time, a possible approach for understanding the mysterious world of consciousness. Postulating that this is globally true, we inhabit a quantum world where non-local effects should be expected at all levels of functioning, not just as a curious artifact of the subatomic level of reality. The thousands of pages of data recording non-local phenomena of mind/mind and mind/matter interactions suddenly no longer require agonized and embarrassed apologists, nor need accept the scorn of classical scientists. Existence of the non-local quantum hologram suggests that nature has utilized non-local information from the big bang forward, throughout its evolutionary history; and long before planetary environments self organized to permit living matter and complex space/time sensory systems to evolve. The papers of Marcer and Schempp on learning inherent in DNA and prokaryote cells using quantum holography, when generalized, helps explain the ubiquitous appearance in nature across distances, scale sizes and species, of similar processes, organs and sensory systems. This certainly conforms with the fractal geometry of chaos theory. Certainly the similarities of DNA, cell structure, organs and brains across species are easier to reconcile with a non-local learning process than with a theory of localized random mutation and natural adaptation.

It is important to observe that in standard particle physics experiments the object is to discover the quantum characteristics of the individual types of particles, and the conditions under which they split and recombine. In quantum holography the object is to treat the entire group of re-emitted quanta as a whole, and as in laser holography, to examine the information carried in the interference pattern and phase relationships. These represent two quite different levels of approach to quantum information. In particle experiments, it is considered that the eigenvalues of the applicable matrix represent measurable values; and that information is lost during measurement due to decoherence of the particles and energy exchange. But in the quantum holographic formalism, the information is carried in the phase relationships, which are represented by off-diagonal terms in the matrix, and the information is recoverable under the proper conditions as Berry and Resta have predicted, and as Schempp has demonstrated with fMRI. The quantum mathematics is consistent with standard quantum theory in both cases.

In decoding the quantum holographic information, however, the energy exchange is insignificant.

The similarity of the mathematical treatment in these various experiments is important to the thesis of this paper. In examining the quantum non-locality of particles it is spin numbers and/or polarization that are the parameters of interest. A standard technique of analysis is to use the Fourier transform to map the state of the particles into the frequency domain. In the formalism of the quantum hologram, mapping into the frequency domain is also fundamental, however, the requirement for pcar assures that the phase relationships are matched so that the percipient (sensory system) is able to decode the information carried in the phase relationships. It is precisely the pcar requirement that permits the encoded holographic information to be decoded by the percipient. Mathematically, decoding is simply reversing the rotation of the phase vector in phase space. Physically, it is matching the frequencies and phase of the information such that resonance results. Frequency, phase matching and resonance are an operational characteristic of every type receiver technology. Pribram's earliest proposal that the brain stored information encoded as in a hologram and mapped by the Fourier transform is in complete agreement with the evidence presented by quantum holographic mathematical formalism.

It is the spin and polarization attributes of particles (both are mapped by wave mathematics) that represent the puzzling non-local property of subatomic matter. It is the phase relationships that carry the information in holography (again mapped by wave form mathematics). And it appears that the brain stores and manages information not as a classical digital machine, but rather as an analog device using non-local properties of the quantum hologram, which can be analyzed by wave form mathematics (harmonic analysis on the Heisenberg Lie group). In the cosmological evolutionary scheme of things this similarity of appropriate mapping techniques is too bizarre a coincidence to be ignored as a cosmic accident. Thus there is ample evidence that the non-local attribute of nature is much more than just a curious artifact of subatomic particle interactions, but rather is a more fundamental phenomenon that appears at all scale sizes and is, in particular, associated with the utilization of information in nature, and associated with the fact that information has a causal effect independent of distance. It is precisely information, however, that is the basis of the phenomena of perception, cognition, memory, learning, etc, that is to say, consciousness and the subjective experience. Though the evidence is quite ample to postulate that non-locality is the unique, universal basis for perception and the subjective experience, the evidence though compelling is not sufficient to be conclusive that such is indeed the case. The next steps are to validate more completely with experimental evidence that non-locality plays a major role at all scale sizes and that all physical objects are quantum objects and thus interconnected by information in this strange way.

2.2 Non-Locality in Nature

There is experimental evidence to strongly suggest that simple organisms perceive and respond to information non-locally as well. Cleve Backster was perhaps the earliest to experiment with plants and simple life forms in electromagnetic isolation in late 1960's and early 1970's. His work was not confirmed through replication by others at that time. Other investigators have had mixed results replicating non-local information perception by simple organisms and living tissues. In the area of human experimentation, results likewise have been mixed and controversial for three quarters of a century. However group analysis across a large and appropriate spectrum of experiments including hundreds of trials (meta analysis) by Radin (1997) and independently by Utts (1991) demonstrates compelling statistics that the perception of non-local information exists and is real. Perhaps were there a larger body of experimental evidence for simple life forms, similar meta patterns would emerge. Failure to replicate results in well constructed experiments does not, in the case of subtle consciousness phenomena, prove that the phenomenon is missing, but rather that a mechanism below the threshold of classical measurement is operating. For example, the most telling experimental evidence to explain the sometimes inconsistent results relates to direct non-local observer and/or experimenter effects. Gertrude Schmiedler isolated the "sheep/goat" effect in human experimentation decades ago (1972). Experimenters and/or participants in a human telepathy (or similar non-local) experiments exhibited results statistically above or below chance results depending upon their subjective bias toward the experiment. (In other words, 100% wrong answers would be as statistically significant as 100% correct answers in such tests, and in addition betrays the mind set or intention of the subject; whereas only chance results would be statistically inconclusive.) More recently, a series of experiments by Marilyn Schlitz and Wiserman (1997) investigating "intentionality" clearly demonstrated that experimenter bias (intentionality) affected the outcome even of double blind experiments. Thus, in the subtle realms of mind and consciousness studies, bias, belief and intention clearly have an effect. The lack of an existing theoretical structure in classical science to support any type perception of non-local information, much less to support bias, belief or intention as having a non-local effect, when in fact it does have a non-local effect, is quite sufficient to account for anomalous results in many scientific experiments. Further validation and acceptance of the non-local thesis will have strong positive repercussions for the prevailing scientific paradigm and particularly the theory of measurement. The prevailing dogma of the 20th century against any type of non-local action at macro-scale reality has not prevented experiments from being successfully conducted, but has caused positive results to be dismissed as anomalous, of faulty design or outright fraud, when in most cases the results were defensible had a proper non-local theory been available.